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  • Product Raspberry Puree, Red Single Strength, With Seeds in Pails
  • Legacy Product Code RAP000803
  • New Product Code RAPN01F-00R6-PA28
  • Brix (Direct at 20º C) 10.50 +/- 2.50
  • Acidity 1.35 +/- 0.65 as Citric
  • pH 2.50 - 3.80
  • Specific Gravity 1.03 - 1.05
  • Concentration at single strength 9.2 Brix
  • Reconstitution 1 part Raspberry Puree, Red Single Strength, With Seeds plus 0 parts water
  • Weight Per Gallon 8.75 lb. per gallon
  • Packaging Polyethylene Pails
  • Optimal Storage Frozen
  • Recommended Shelf Life (Days)*
    Frozen (0° F) 1095
    Refrigerated (38° F) 7
  • Microbiological
    Yeast < 1000
    Mold < 1000
    Total Plate Count < 1000